
Creating your own API

Published on Jun 13, 2022

When creating a new API there are a few things needs to be comprehended. First strong understanding how to add API to your existing system. Second why business requires and who get benefits. Third is the actual modeling the API tips. Forth identifying the actual participants. Fifth, Identifying the activities and breaking them into steps. Sixth identifying participants and activities. Eight creating API definitions. Ninth, Validating The API. Tenth, writhing documents. Eleventh, HTTP response codes and Headers. Twelve, rest API six containers. Thirteenth, API design patterns. Fourteenth API versioning. Sixteenth, contain type and media type. Seventeen, what is hypermedia. Eighteen HTTP header. Nineteen, Contain negotiation and caching. Twenty, Documentation.

Understanding three approaches to adding an API

1. Bolt-On Strategy

This strategy is for existing systems.

Benefits: Brute-force approach but is generally the fastest way to get something useful. Takes advantage of existing code and systems.

Drawbacks: Problems in the application and architecture tend to “leak through” into the API

2. Greenfield Strategy

This strategy is for new systems.

Benefits: Generally, the “API first” or “mobile first” mindset. Takes advantage of new technologies and architectures and possibly reinvigorates the team.

Drawbacks: Often requires massive upfront investment before any benefits appear.

3. Façade Strategy

This strategy is for replacing systems piece by piece

Benefits: Ideal for legacy systems as the application is always functional

Drawbacks: Can be challenging to have “multiple mindsets” in the system or can be hard to replicate behavior for a full 1:1 conversion.

For more information, I can be reached at kumar.dahal@outlook.com or https://www.linkedin.com/in/kumar-dahal/